8 Port POE Switch

Fast ethernet POE switchcan be used as Central POE Switch & Aggregation POE Switchif used as aggregation POE switch, which can be puted in the first foolr or in the middle of bilding.if used as central POE switch, which can be putted in the management center.how many ports of Aggregation POE switch to use? just see how many Non-standard…


Fast ethernet POE switchcan be used as Central POE Switch & Aggregation POE Switchif used as aggregation POE switch, which can be puted in the first foolr or in the middle of bilding.if used as central POE switch, which can be putted in the management center.how many ports of Aggregation POE switch to use? just see how many Non-standard POE switch used in unit building ,which will be put together on the Aggregation POE Switch.how many ports of Central POE Switch to use? just see how many units, how many lines to guard station management center convergence.


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